EHealth degree with four African universities

— Mali, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Togo —


This curriculum will focus on innovation and field practice to address priority health issues.

The degree is awarded by the Universities of Bamako, Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar and Félix Houphouët-Boigny in Abidjan, in partnership with the Fondation Pierre Fabre.

The creation of this degree, announced at the 2018 Global South eHealth Observatory Conference, is designed to improve and expand skills in use of eHealth to improve patient care, public health management and equity in access to healthcare, as well as to optimise healthcare expenditures. The objective is to find and develop innovations aligned with countries’ healthcare strategies to nurture skills that will contribute to rational, harmonious, lasting development of these innovative tools to benefit people in need.

The coursework, with a total volume of 100 hours, will be in two parts: distance learning for the theory classes and in-class group work for the remainder. The programme will also align with the healthcare priorities of the three countries involved and will address subjects like project management, interoperability and regulatory issues. The curriculum is designed for eHealth managers working at Global South ministries of health and technology; professional health practitioners who are users or potential users of eHealth; startup promoters (innovators) and computer scientists working in the healthcare sector; and eHealth managers or officers at international and Non-Governmental Organisations. In 2019, approximately 25 candidates will be recruited following the call for applications available here.

A new digital health lab provides support

Lastly, to ensure long-term support for this educational programme and professional development in digital health, the Fondation Pierre Fabre has helped create an Innovation and Digital Health Laboratory that has been named “Digi-Santé-Mali”. The facility has opened at the University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako (USTTB) to provide a recognised, professional academic structure to develop training and research in the eHealth field. It is the first brick-and-mortar centre dedicated specifically to digital health in French-speaking Africa.

In 2021, 21 healthcare and digital professionals from nine countries in Sub-Saharan Africa followed the curriculum for the InterUniversity Degree in eHealth at the Centre for Innovation and Digital Health in Bamako, Mali. Over the past three years, 59 professionals from 16 countries have benefited from the Foundation’s eHealth scholarships in in Africa.



Since 2018

Type of involvement
Distributor and operator


  • Offer key eHealth stakeholders a shared learning framework
  • Boost innovations that are in line with national health strategies
  • Contribute to the development of coherent digital health solutions that reach as many people as possible


Selection of the class of 2022
19 learners, 18 graduates, 14 of whom received a scholarship from the Fondation Pierre Fabre.
11 African countries represented.

Validation of the planned extension
From 2023, the number of students per year will rise from 20 to 60, to meet an increase in demand (+ 63% in three years).

Digi S@nté Mali 
Centre d’Innovation et de Santé Digitale
Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Médécine et d’Odonto-Stomatologie
1er étage, BP : E3791
Email :

The hackathon 2021 of inter-university diploma:


  • Université des Sciences, techniques et technologies de  Bamako
  • Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar
  • Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny d’Abidjan

See also

The Global South eHealth Observatory

The Global South eHealth Observatory, a Fondation Pierre Fabre initiative, is designed to identify, document, promote and help develop eHealth initiatives that improve access to quality healthcare and medicines for the most disadvantaged populations in ressource-limited countries.


See also

Creation of the National Digital Health Center

In 2021, Togo’s minister of Health and Public Hygiene asked the Foundation to help it draw up and roll out a national eHealth strategy. The creation of a “National Digital Health Center” marks an essential step forward in the drive to provide a coherent, sustainable development framework.


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Pierre Fabre Fondation 2023 Annual Report

The Fondation Pierre Fabre is heir to the humanistic values and tireless commitment of its founder, Pierre Fabre, who instructed that it should participate “humbly but effectively in improving access to healthcare for the most disadvantaged populations, a key factor in a country’s development”. The Foundation’s status and the way it operates are valuable assets that help it stay true to its defence of the world’s least privileged communities. That commitment manifests itself in the form of an operational strategy based on three key areas of support: training, caring and innovating.