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         the Observatory’s database. WATCH THE PRESENTATION by Khushi Baby at the 2019 eHealth Observatory conference. This support allowed us to implement the second controlled trial, the objective of which was to roll out the system in more than 300 villages in the Udaipur area in Rajasthan, compared to the initial 70-village trial. This meant that a total of 25,000 children could be included. What are your next steps? Khushi Baby was chosen as a leading partner in technical support by the Rajasthan Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Our platform will be rolled out state-wide for medical monitoring of more than 200,000 mothers and children over the next year. It will also be used to conduct the country’s first federal digital census on health, which was introduced at the start of the Covid-19 epidemic to screen vulnerable populations. All this was made possible by the second tranche of financial support granted by the Fondation Pierre Fabre, for 2019-2020.  MOHAMMED SHAHNAWAZ Operations Director for the NGO Khushi Baby, India     Khushi Baby is a simple, inexpensive 150 eHEALTH  INITIATIVES documented and listed in    What was the impetus behind the Khushi Baby concept? This project was introduced in 2014 to resolve the challenges of vaccinating young children among India’s poorest populations. In this country, each year, 500,000 children under the age of five die from diseases that could have been prevented by vaccination. The main cause is the mothers’ lack of knowledge and awareness. Khushi Baby is a simple, inexpensive innovation that helps mothers access the available care solutions: it is a pendant with a chip that holds the child’s medical record. Healthcare professionals can then access this information using an app, even without a connection. How did the Foundation’s initial support help the project? Khushi Baby was awarded one year of funding at the 2017 Global South eHealth Observatory conference.   innovation.   GOOD TO KNOW  eHealth training needs The Foundation supports the development of eHealth training to disseminate the keys to understanding that allow projects to be generated, planned and evaluated. Such training also should help create a network of eHealth ambassadors with a common culture, capable of promoting coordinated development of interoperable and complementary solutions. Fondation Pierre Fabre – 41 

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