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TRAINING OF DRUG SPECIALISTS CURRENT PROGRAMMES, partnerships, renovation, modernisation, training   LEARN MORE LEARN MORE     INCREASE THE SKILLS OF LAOS’ PHARMACISTS   LAOS       ACTIONS • Fund training grants at the PhD, Master’s and continuing educa- tion levels • Finance scientific and educational material • Improve safety in laboratory classrooms • Educational en- gineering: create laboratory class- room exercises 2019 ACHIEVEMENTS • 11 grants awarded to teachers pursuing a PhD, Master’s or specialised training • 1 Foundation scholarship recipient who earned a doctorate in pharma- ceutical technologies at the Univer- sity of Angers returned to the Faculty of Pharmacy in Vientiane • 2 educational seminars in clinical pharmacy for Laotian instructors given by visiting professors from Thailand’s Mahasarakham University • Development of laboratory-based curricula in pharmaceutical technologies       5 years (2017-2021)      CONSOLIDATING THE UNIVERSITY OF LOMÉ PHARMACY DEPARTMENT   TOGO      ACTIONS • Strengthen teaching staff with training grants (Master’s, PhD, agrégation \[high-level com- petitive examina- tion for teacher recruitment\]) • Structure curricu- lum and organise pharmacy depart- ment • Teaching support: acquire teaching materials, fund teaching missions 2019 ACHIEVEMENTS • 1 grant for a virology teacher pre- paring for the teacher competitive examination • 2 doctoral grants for assistant pro- fessors (pharmacology, pharmaceu- tical technologies) • 1 scholarship in Master’s-level phar- maceutical law for a senior lecturer • 3 teaching missions by professors from the Universities of Bordeaux and Poitiers • Acquisition of laboratory classroom materials and supplies • Funding for several department professors to attend conferences abroad      5 years (2018-2022)             PARTNERS Laos Ministry of Health - Vientiane University of Health Sciences - Mahasarakham Univer- sity in Thailand PARTNERS Ministry of Higher Education and Research of Togo - Ministry of Health and Social Pro- tection of Togo - University of Lomé - Universi- ties of Bordeaux and Poitiers    MADAGASCAR The Foundation supported the pharmacy department of the University of Antananarivo by funding actions such as a teaching mission, a doctoral scholarship in pharmaceutical technologies, and the purchase of teaching materials. Fondation Pierre Fabre – 18 Budget: € 521,432 Budget: € 750,000 

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