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on sickle-cell disease with Professors Gil Tchernia, haematologist, Marc Gentilini, physician specialising in infectious and tropical diseases, and Dapa Diallo, haematologist in Mali.
medical biologist and professor of haematology at the Health Sciences UFR (training and research unit) at Joseph Ki Zerbo University in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
    You’ve been working with the Fondation Pierre Fabre since 2015: in what ways has this collaboration evolved?
The Foundation has invested in several key areas: early screening, improving healthcare quality, raising public awareness and strengthening physician skills. In 2020, this partnership was formalised by the signing of a three-year framework agreement between the Fondation Pierre Fabre, the Burkina Faso Ministry of Health and associations fighting sickle cell disease. We will be jointly implementing the DREPA- FASO project in an effort to develop a national policy to fight sickle cell disease.
How will this specifically benefit sickle cell
The project encompasses improving diagnostic processes through systematic screening of pregnant women and new-borns, broadening access to healthcare, training caregivers, generating greater involvement by civil society and establishing clear
mapping of the incidence of sickle cell disease in the country. Taken together, all these actions will help improve patient care and quality of life.
Do you already see changes in the field with
respect to recognition of the disease?
The Covid-19 pandemic disrupted our work in 2020, but the results of our actions are nevertheless positive thus far. With major advances: a better framework for dialogue and experience-sharing, improved networking for referring physicians, a process to improve consistency
in medical practices and increased involvement on the part of the Burkinabe authorities.
There’s no doubt that the
fight against sickle cell disease is gaining structure and momentum. And the Foundation is playing an essential role.
 More than new-borns and children 70,000 will be screened
in Burkina Faso by 2023.
cell disease is gaining
 structure and momentum.
 The impact of early screening
While sickle cell disease remains a major cause of infant mortality, early treatment can significantly alleviate symptoms. This means that neonatal screening (before the age of six months) is a key factor in reducing the infant mortality rate associated with the disease.
In Mali, the DREPATEST III study, conducted on 4,000 new-borns, compares the performance of two rapid-screening tests and assesses the feasibility of systematic new-born screening.
Fondation Pierre Fabre – 27
The fight against sickle

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