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 HEALTH SPENDING CRISES AND CONFLICTS ACCORDING TO THE WORLD BANK, MORE THAN 1,5 BILLION PEOPLE live in countries affected by violent conflict, or a quarter of the world’s population3. THE LEBANESE GOVERNMENT ESTIMATED THAT THERE WERE NEARLY of global health spending is on Africa THOUGH THE CONTINENT IS HOME TO A QUARTER OF THE WORLD’S SICK1. Less than 1% Only six African countries spend at least 15 % 1,5 million of their annual budgets on the health sector while more than 11 million people annually fall into poverty due to high direct payments for healthcare2. Syrian ACCESS TO QUALITY HEALTHCARE CONTEXT and challenges VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN The Central African Republic is the second-most dangerous country in the world for sexual violence, behind India. This includes wartime rape, lack of access to legal recourse in rape cases, and sexual coercion as a form of corruption5. "Wherever there is armed conflict, it is unfortunately the women who pay the heaviest price." Dr Denis Mukwege, gynaecological surgeon and 2018 Nobel Peace Prize winner 1 WHO, Public Spending on Health: A Closer Look at Global Trends • 2 Africa Health 2019, International conference on the African health agenda • 3 World Development Report 2011: Conflict, Security and Development. Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2011 • 4 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) • 5 Thomson Reuters Foundation Ranking (study conducted with 500 international experts), 2018 Fondation Pierre Fabre – 30 refugees in the country in February 20194. 

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